Integrated Farming and Forestry Field Day #4
Our fourth Forestry and Farming Field Day is in Kaikoura and Waiau.
Time – 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Friday 4th October
Location – Starting at Steepdown, 300 Blunts Road, Kaikoura. Finishing at Lynton Downs, 1717 Inland Road, Waiau.
Barbeque and refreshments to follow.
At Steepdown we will look at how native reversion has worked successfully in the ETS, as well as a new area of poplar poles used as a combination of permanent carbon forest and grazing (agroforestry). We will also discuss the support for forest establishment which is available, including the Environment Canterbury SCAR programme.
At Lynton Downs we will take a tour of a commercial plantation forestry business, including tree management, typical income and costs, markets, and risk management.
As with out other forestry integration field days the focus will be on real life examples or scenarios demonstrating the various ways forestry can integrate into hill and high country farms in North Canterbury.
RSVP to Post Quake Farming